Alvedon liquid painkiller in new clothes
Alvedon liquid painkiller in new clothes
Monday, June 23, 2014
You may or may not be familiar with the little brown bottle with the inconspicuous little Alvedon label on it. Perhaps you never bought it and never really considered that Alvedon, the number one painkilling brand in Sweden, could be bought for every member of your family in the same package.
Hopefully that will start to change now that the bottle has been repackaged and redesigned. The bottle is now found in a carton that better communicates the product’s benefits and dosages...and is better seen. Too much packaging, you wonder? That is because the bottle is now sold with a dispenser to help even the littlest ones get just the right amount of medicine for that little ache.
So be on the lookout for Bakerscape’s latest line extension for the Alvedon brand at your local pharmacy...and grocery store!